What is an agenda? An agenda is the “road map” of where the meeting is going: What the order will be; what topics will be covered; and roughly how long the meeting will take.
A typical meeting agenda would be as follows:
- Call to Order
- Reading & Approval of Minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Reports of Officers, Boards and Standing Committees (Only when they have something to report)
- Reports of Special Committees
- Special Orders – specific items (such as elections) that are required to come up at this particular meeting
- Unfinished Business/General Orders
- notice this is not OLD business!
- business left pending when the previous meeting adjourned
- motions postponed until this meeting
- New Business
- Program (if any)
- Adjournment
By setting up an agenda ahead of time, you provide that “road map” to the participants that let’s them know what will be covered and when.