What is the term/acronym “RONR11” you used in your previous post?
Whoops! You get used to using abbreviations for different areas and I got caught on this one. RONR11 is my shorthand for Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition, published in September 2011. It is the most current, authorized edition of the manuals started by General Henry M Robert in February 1876. Originally called Robert’s Rules of Order (three editions) it was completely revised and renamed by General Robert to Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised in 1915, before his death in 1923. It was revised twice more under the “Revised” title before being completely revamped in 1970 as the seventh edition: Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. For more info head over to the official Roberts Rules Association Website for the complete history of this Parliamentary Authority.