Who we are.
What we do.
How we do it.
dbaMeeting, LLC
We work hand in hand with our clients to determine the overall needs of their organization. Whether you need training, bylaws review or organizational improvement, we can help. We leverage our expertise is in all aspects of procedure, leadership and group decision-making to cover the full spectrum of association and board needs.
Meeting Architecture & Management
A business meeting without planning can be a disaster. 90 percent of work required to have a productive meeting is done before the meeting ever begins. All aspects need to be considered – the timeframe, agenda preparation, ample time for attendees to receive notice and prepare, as well as considering the “what ifs” that might arise during the meeting.
Properly managing the business meeting is a science itself, one which dbaMeeting, LLC has over 40 years of experience.
Organizational Planning
It is the responsibility of your board to make sure that the organization operates according to a plan. But you have to have a plan to manage to. We can help you develop operational policies and procedures. tactical goals and long-range strategic framework to align with your organization’s objectives.
Planning always has a purpose: to achieve either short-term targets or long-range goals, or both.
Meeting Services
We can provide in-meeting parliamentary advice, pre-meeting organization or running the meeting for you
We can facilitate either small or large groups to develop actionable, specific plans to move your organization orward.
Bylaws, procedural and operating rules for companies and associations are just a few of our governance specialties.
We offer a wide array of governance and leadership workshops for officers, members and association boards.
Let us help you establish the proper policies and procedures foryour group at its current, specific stage of development.
No two trainings, strategies, plans or governance documents are the same – because no two organizations are the same!
Our Process
Whether working with bylaws, rules or your organization’s procedures or structure, dbaMeeting, LLC follows the same exacting four step process
1. Data Collection
You need to know the background information before you can begin to understand the issues. We collect only as much data as necessary to insure we can determine any gaps in your process .
2. Analysis
Data can be compared to different variations, exposures and best practices. Just like the Ronco Veg-O-Matic, our analysis slices, dices and prepares data to expose non-obvious posibilities.
3. Planning
Insights from the analysis provides one or more possible improvements. Options presented side-by-side are easily compared. You pick which improvement you want — we work together to prepare the plan.
4. Execution
Once you have made your decision, we work with you to ensure your success and self sufficiency. We help you plan your effort and help you execute your plan. We won’t leave until you are done.
W Craig Henry
CEO and Principal Consultant

Craig draws upon a diverse mix of skills and expertise gathered over 40 years of serving commercial businesses and not-for-profit associations and organizations. He collaborates with clients to to jointly discover and deliver the most reasonable solution that best reflects the organization’s culture and political landscape. Clients appreciate his ability to hit the ground running, easily grasping complex organization concepts and readily absorbing required information.
Extremely comfortable with technology, Craig assists associations in efficient planning and decision-making, whether face-to-face, virtual or a combination of the two. He helps harness ideas, prioritize them and put the best ideas into practice.
Above all, Craig is a pragmatist. He advises clients only what is required to achieve their goals, mapping out what dbaMeeting, LLC will provide and what clients will reasonably need to take on. He freely shares his knowledge, tips and tools, enabling clients to be self-sufficient as quickly as possible.
- Registered Professional Parliamentarian (PRP) – National Association of Parliamentarians
- Certified Professional Parliamentarian with a Teacher of Parliamentary Law designation (CPP-T) – American Institute of Parliamentarians
- Lean Six Sigma, DFSS, and Six Sigma Black Belts – Aveta Business Solutions
Craig is only one of approximately 30 persons in the world to hold the highest certifications from both of the major parliamentary organizations
- Parliamentary Parallels: A Comparison of the Similarities and Differences of Major Parliamentary Authorities
- National Parliamentarian (NAP)
- Parliamentary Journal (AIP)
- state and local magazines and newsletters
1997 ISBN13: 978-1884048234
A column by column comparison of major English-speaking parliamentary authorities: Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, Sturgis’ Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, Hugh Cannon’s Concise Guide to Rules Of Order; Butcher-Riddick’s Parliamentary Law; and RE Renton’s Rules of Order
“The Professional Parliamentarian as Expert Witness – Part II” Jan 2013
Professional Parliamentarians may be engaged as a procedural or governance expert in a wide variation of venues. They are comfortable with the engagement, lawyers and their qualifications as an expert in the particular area of parliamentary procedure. This article examines the requirements necessary to prepare for testimony, especially under cross-examination.
“The Professional Parliamentarian as Expert Witness – Part I” Oct 2012
Parliamentarians, have developed an expertise in a very specific area: parliamentary procedure. On occasion, a governance or procedural situation may need to be reviewed as to its specific correctness by a) rendering a written opinion concerning the situation; b) providing a deposition regarding what occurred; c) testifying during a hearing or in a court of law; d) as a non-testifying expert consultant to the legal team; or e) any or all of the aforementioned. Parliamentary Procedure experts are fairly few in number, and the field fairly narrow, so lawyers tend to call on an “expert” to explain compliance with common parliamentary practices as well as parliamentary standards such as Robert’s Rules of Order and the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.
“The Top 10 Traits of a Professional Parliamentarian” Apr 2009
Top 10 list for why you need a Professional Parliamentarian for meetings.
“So You are Planning a Meeting – Part II” Jan 1998
Continuation of Meeting planning article in 1997 Third Quarter NP
“So You are Planning a Meeting – Part I” Oct 1997
A basic primer on the requirements needed to have a meeting.
“Social Media and the Board” Oct 2012
Less than 5% of directors admit having ever used social media, citing privacy concerns and widespread mistrust. Boards have largely left it up to management to determine the company’s social media strategy, if it has a social media strategy at all! The ramifications for the boardroom from social media extend far past reputational risk into areas such as information gathering and competitive analysis. Directors can no longer ignore the implications of social media for corporate governance, operations, and socialization.
Let us help your business prosper
Whether you’re looking for an answer to a question, would like help in solving a problem, or just want to give us feedback, you can drop us an email right here.