Better Organizations during, before and after the Meeting

Welcome to dbaMeeting!

Meetings starting late?
No one prepared?
Never-ending meeting?
Why did I attend?

You can have that efficient, well-prepared meeting to make decisions and go home (or return to work). A prepared organization that conducts well-designed meetings is the difference for the attendees between a poor experience and a tremendous one.

We provide effective advice for conventions, meetings, presiding officers, and bylaws/governance document revisions. Not only do we know parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order, but also organizational development and management as well.

Our mission is simple: Helping you be productive!

Meetings in the US

Meetings are probably one of your organization’s most expensive overhead costs, and many are considered ineffective. Every meeting – whether online or in-person – is an investment of time, money and resources. According to Forbes magazine, a total of $37 billion and one-third of the time spent in meetings each year is wasted.

Isn’t it time to increase your bottom line and reclaim the productivity of your staff and volunteers?

Total Cost (Billion $)


% Wasted Hours

Our Approach

We follow a rigorous, four step process regardless of whether we are working on governance documents, meeting preparations, organizational change recommendations, etc. By following these four steps, we provide you with a complete set of information so you can complete the plan and be self-sustaining into the future.


How do you function today? How do you want to operate? We examine where you are and where you need to go before making any recommendations.


We analyze the collected data, giving you options to select where you want to go. We review each option with you, helping you make the best decision.


Once a joint decision is made, we prepare a plan to follow and work with you every step of the way to accomplish the plan.


We work with you, hand in hand, until you complete your plan. We will stay with you as long as it takes to ensure your success.

Ask These 3 Questions

Before your Meeting

  • Meeting Needed?
  • Only those Required?
  • Advance Materials?

Do we need this meeting?

Are the correct persons invited?

Do attendees have all needed materials in advance?

Productivity Numbers

The Microsoft Personal Productivity Challenge survey reveals interesting conclusions about weekly personal productivity in the United States:

Total Hours Persons Work (weekly)

Hours Unproductive (weekly)

Hours in Meetings (weekly)


Unproductive Meetings (weekly)

Did You Know?

What Types of Businesses do you Work with?
We work with both non-profit associations and for-profit companies. If you hold a meeting we can help you prepare for and execute your meetings more efficiently.
What Types of Services do you Provide?
We can provide almost any procedural review or development service for your organization. We can work with your Board, staff and your legal counsel to find the right “mix” for each group to contribute. For more information, go to the Services page for examples of services offered.
Where are you Located?
We are based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, but we perform work in the surrounding region as well as throughout the United States and Internationally.
How do you Charge for your Services?
We don’t like surprises any more than you do. We try to work out how long an engagement will take and give you a fixed price to meet that engagement. We will “charge as we go,” if that is your preference or provide retainer fees for a fixed number of hours of work.
  • Even if Robert’s Rules of Order or the AIP Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure is your parliamentary authority, you can create custom rules to fit your own needs?
  • Bylaws do not have to contain every rule for your association (nor be 50 pages long?) Procedure manuals can be prepared for each subject area and can be changed much more simply than bylaws!
  • A Professional Presider can chair your association meeting, ensuring neutrality during contentious deliberations.
  • A treasurer’s report never is “adopted,” “accepted,” or “approved;” it is simply “received” as it is given and no motion should be made. On the other hand, an auditors’ report, is “accepted” or “adopted.”
  • An ex officio member has all the rights and privileges – including voting – as any member, unless those rights are constrained by your adopted rules.
  • A Professional Parliamentarian can advise the President on “sticky” procedural subjects – both inside and outside of your meeting.

What People Say:

Clients and colleagues alike share their thoughts.

“The Oklahoma Association of REALTORS has hired dbaMeeting, LLC for several years and they have provided valuable service in Board meetings helping to guide properly the issues at hand. I also have personally learned a good deal of the process and procedures needed to provide proper structure and to facilitate meetings that would normally be highly combative in nature. ”

Mike Craddock
Past President, Oklahoma Association of REALTORS

“I have had the privilege of being with and observing W. Craig Henry of dbaMeeting, LLC at two different all-day functions where he was teaching skills of running effective meetings using proper parliamentary procedure as the foundation. He was most engaging with the audiences of 50+ and kept them interactive with program. He is a polished, expert speaker who is sensitive to the needs of his clients.”

– Bill Wylie
CEO, WLW Company LLC

Let us help you be better prepared!

Whether you’re looking to solve a problem, have a question, or just want to get information,just contact us right here. We’ll get you an answer quickly and easily.


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