by W. Craig Henry | Feb 7, 2018
Now it’s really time! The day of the meeting has arrived. Pack all of these materials and supplies stacked by the door into the car, run through your checklist one more time (you did remember to go to the office supply store, didn’t you!) and head over to the meeting...
by W. Craig Henry | Feb 3, 2018
During a meeting, try one or more of the following strategies to get a motion to pass: Make your motions promptly; be animated; sound enthusiastic. Have your motion written in advance; handing a written copy to the chair conveys momentum. A motion prepared in advance...
by W. Craig Henry | Jan 12, 2018
This last week I was asked a question about notice — the communication that a topic/motion/bylaws amendment/etc. will be brought before the organization at a prescribed future time. This is not to be confused with legal notices, although they serve much the same...
by W. Craig Henry | Jan 7, 2018
Question: What does it mean when a meeting is adjourned sine die? Answer: When a meeting is adjourned sine die (pronounced SIGN-ee DYE-ee) it literally means that the assembly is adjourned without day, ie. the assembly is disolved. This happens when a delegate...
by W. Craig Henry | Dec 20, 2017
Recently I was asked on who should prepare bylaws: a lawyer or a parliamentarian? Lawyers know the statutes; Parliamentarians know governance and meeting procedures. I feel both legal counsel and a parliamentary expert should be involved in the...
by W. Craig Henry | Nov 24, 2017
Question: How do you Rescind a previously adopted motion? Answer: The incidental main motion to rescind a previously adopted motion (also known simply as rescind, repeal or annul) is the motion by which a previous action or order can be cancelled or countermanded. The...
by W. Craig Henry | May 16, 2017
How many times have you been in a meeting when some one’s iPad “dings” or blackberry “buzzes” and the owner snatches it up to see what message they have received? Or glanced at your colleague texting or posting on Facebook on their...
by W. Craig Henry | Mar 16, 2017
We spend too much time in meetings, and many of us feel we are wasting our time. Recently, Verizon Conferencing commissioned the Meetings in America study which showed workers today spend an average of 10.7 hours a week either attending or preparing for meetings,...