by W. Craig Henry | Feb 11, 2018
So how do you put together minutes? Unless you publish minutes (called transactions, proceedings or transcriptions – a literal word by word copy of the meeting) minutes record only what is decided, not what is said during a meeting. Items are recorded in the...
by W. Craig Henry | Feb 9, 2018
After you have collected your attendance sheets, flip charts and notes and you get everything home, you’re done until just before the next meeting, Right? WRONG!! Now is the time to finish your minutes. Tips for Finishing Minutes Do it Now. You have all the...
by W. Craig Henry | Feb 3, 2018
Question. Do you still use the terms “Respectfully submitted” when signing minutes? Answer. No. This practice is a carryover from more formal times and is no longer required. RONR11 states on page 471: “The words Respectfully submitted — although occasionally used —...
by W. Craig Henry | Jan 12, 2018
This last week I was asked a question about notice — the communication that a topic/motion/bylaws amendment/etc. will be brought before the organization at a prescribed future time. This is not to be confused with legal notices, although they serve much the same...
by W. Craig Henry | Dec 20, 2017
Recently I was asked on who should prepare bylaws: a lawyer or a parliamentarian? Lawyers know the statutes; Parliamentarians know governance and meeting procedures. I feel both legal counsel and a parliamentary expert should be involved in the...
by W. Craig Henry | Nov 11, 2017
From Demeter’s Manual of Parliamentary Law, by George Demeter: Don’t come to the meetings. If you do come, come late. If the weather does not suit you, don’t think of coming. If you attend a meeting, find fault with the officers and the other members. Never accept an...