10 Tips to having Successful Meetings.

We spend too much time in meetings, and many of us feel we are wasting our time. Recently,  Verizon Conferencing commissioned the Meetings in  America study which showed workers today spend an average of 10.7 hours a week either attending or preparing for meetings,...

Five ways to Kill A Meeting

As a follow-up to my post on Demeter’s ten ways to wreck an organization I have five areas that will destroy any meeting: Show up late! Unless an emergency occurs, you should always be on-time (if not a bit early) to a meeting. But usually the culprit is poor time...

Expiditing Business at a Meeting

When you are in meetings, there are certain things that you can do to “help” business along.  If you following any (many!) of these steps you too can expidite business during a meeting: The maker of the motion is entitled to the floor first. When the Chair asks “Is...

Strategies to Defeat a Motion

The following strategies can be used to defeat a proposal:   Do your homework! Get the facts so you can effectively rebut any and all the points made by supporters of the proposal. Line up those opposed to the idea; give them background material on the proposal; urge...

Meeting Planning with an Agenda

What is an agenda? An agenda is the “road map” of where the meeting is going: What the order will be; what topics will be covered; and roughly how long the meeting will take. A typical meeting agenda would be as follows: Call to Order Reading & Approval of Minutes...

Getting Ready for Your Meeting

Pre-planning for a meeting is the best thing that an organization can do to keep their meeting on track. Whether you have a formal agenda sent to each member (which I personally think is the best way to plan) or you poll them members to find out what (if anything )...

Getting A Motion Passed – 1

If you want a motion you support to pass; try the following strategies before the meeting: Have the facts! When you know what is needed you can be more persuasive in your arguments Line up support in advance make certain your supporters will be attending the...

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